“As we become more and more high-tech, we will need to become more and more high-touch.” This quote from Sam Sikes, author and experiential learning expert, has always rung true with me. I think most Gen Xers, like myself, can easily see how younger generations who’ve grown up saturated with technology are now struggling with basic human to human connection. I say that with some reservation, because they DO often communicate with each other but almost always using some form of technology. Communicating via text, email, FaceTime, and various social media platforms are all amazing. I use them daily and am grateful, mostly, that they exist. However, rich, vulnerable and authentic communication is always lacking from these. Of course, some medium are better than others. Still, the most healthy and authentic way to connect with other humans is face to face. This is a big part of why Gen Z is now the most depressed generation alive. The lack of direct human to human contact is missing from so many of their lives. I know in the business world that these and many similar tech tools are indispensable. That’s great, and I’m all for it. Plus, I also know that having too many face to face meetings (especially for leaders) can be draining and time consuming. I’m predominately talking about our personal relationships (at work and home). So I encourage you to reacquaint yourself with the art of just sitting face to face in the presence of another person you love or really care about. Get comfortable “wasting time” on those with which you want to build deeper relationship. I’ve heard it said that LIFE is about PEOPLE. I totally agree! It’s not about stuff, achievements or even “changing the world.” It’s about cultivating rich relationships. The happiest people are not necessarily the most successful (in the traditional western definition of success). But, they are those high-touch individuals who are rich in relationship. They are the ones who have put in time and effort into growing deep and meaningful human connections.